

  • By Paramveer Pupneja

  • 29th June 2023

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Success is not the absence of failure; it’s the persistence through failure. – Aisha Tyler

Appreciation is a great way to motivate people to achieve new heights. It’s a small but powerful gesture that improves the workplace and motivates individuals to reach greater achievement. At Deftsoft, we understand the importance of recognizing the accomplishments of our outstanding team members. Furthermore, we feel that acknowledgment is an essential component of a positive work culture.

We successfully hosted the most awaited “Rewards and Recognition Ceremony”, in keeping with our continuous commitment to appreciating our employees. This event served as an occasion to honor our committed employees’ great accomplishments during the year 2022. It was a joyful celebration in which we conveyed our heartfelt gratitude and acknowledgment to those individuals who continuously exceed expectations and achieve great results in their day-to-day work.

Commencing the Day of Glitz and Celebration

The event took off with an enlightening speech by our esteemed CEO, Mr. Amaneet Singh Brar, and Director of Operations, Mr. Amaninder Singh Brar. Their words echoed throughout the room, expressing gratitude and appreciation for the hard work, dedication, and perseverance of our incredible staff.

With warmth and sincerity, they took the time to acknowledge the efforts of every member of the Deftsoft family. Their heartfelt thanks resonated deeply as they recognized the role that employees play in strengthening the foundation of the organization.

The goals of the ceremony were clear: to recognize and celebrate excellence, and motivate employees. It was a day of honoring the incredible individuals who consistently go above and beyond in their respective roles, inspiring others with their dedication and unwavering commitment.

Award Categories: Celebrating Excellence and Achievement

Each award category represented a unique aspect of excellence and significantly promoted the culture of recognition and appreciation within our organization.

Star of the Month:

The Star of the Month award honored individuals who consistently demonstrated outstanding performance in their respective departments. It recognized their unwavering commitment to excellence and their invaluable impact on the success of our organization.

Hero with a Tie:

The Hero with a Tie award recognized employees who demonstrated exceptional style, neatness, elegance and adherence to the formal dress code. It recognized their ability to present themselves in a graceful and professional manner, setting an example for others to follow.

Mr./Ms. Consistent:

The Mr./Ms. Consistent Award recognizes individuals who consistently perform at a high level, demonstrating reliability, dependability and consistent performance. It recognizes their dedication to their work and their unwavering commitment to achieving exceptional results.

Key Contributor:

The Key Contributor award recognizes individuals who have gone above and beyond their regular responsibilities to make significant contributions to their team and department. It recognizes their ability to make a substantial impact on the success and progress of our organization.

Budding Star:

The Budding Star award recognized emerging talent within our organization. It celebrated individuals who have shown exceptional growth, talent and potential and have made significant strides in their respective roles. This award served as an encouragement to continue their journey of excellence.

The Hidden Gem:

The Hidden Gem Award honored those individuals whose exceptional talents and skills were previously unknown, but have proven to be outstanding and effective. They demonstrated that actions speak louder than words and inspired others with their remarkable contributions.

Lead of the Quarter:

The Lead of the Quarter award recognizes individuals who have demonstrated exceptional leadership during a given quarter. It celebrates their ability to inspire and motivate team members and drive success through exemplary leadership.

Mentor of the Year:

The Mentor of the Year award recognized mentors who served as role models and role models for their team members and colleagues. They provided invaluable training, guidance and support, bridging skill gaps and fostering a culture of growth and development.

Amidst the excitement and anticipation, the ceremony reached its climax with the announcement of the “Best Department of the Year. The Internet Marketing Department emerged victorious, earning the prestigious title of “League of Super Heroes. Their outstanding overall performance was a testament to the power of teamwork and dedication. CEO Mr. Amaneet Singh Brar encouraged all employees to channel their energy and commitment to achieve greater heights in the future.

Recapping Notable Moments

HR was at the center of keeping spirits high throughout the event. Their planning and attention to detail ensured that every aspect of the ceremony ran smoothly. Their seamless coordination of the event created an atmosphere of excitement and anticipation.

One of the standout moments was the enlightening speech delivered by our esteemed CEO, Mr. Amaneet Singh Brar, and Director of Operations, Mr. Amaninder Singh Brar. Their gratitude and appreciation resonated with every employee, recognizing their hard work, dedication, and perseverance. The presence of top management not only added prestige to the event but also underscored the company’s commitment to recognizing and appreciating its employees.

The ceremony was not just about awards and recognition; it was a platform for celebration and enjoyment. By the end of the ceremony, positive energy and motivation radiated from every corner of the room.

In The End, We Are Building a Culture of Appreciation

As we reflect on the success of this year’s ceremony, we look forward to future opportunities. The dedication, passion, and talent of our employees continue to inspire us and drive Deftsoft’s growth and success.

We remain committed to providing opportunities for our employees to shine, creating a workplace where their contributions are valued. We work together to cultivate an environment where everyone feels empowered to reach their full potential. Together, we will continue to write the success stories that define Deftsoft and shape our future.

Stay tuned for more exciting updates as we eagerly anticipate future celebrations and remarkable achievements. The best is yet to come, and we are thrilled to be on this journey of recognition and growth with our incredible Deftsoft family.

Written By
Paramveer Pupneja
calendar 29th June 2023
Paramveer Pupneja, the pillar of the HR department at Deftsoft, has an innate personality for managing people. He is known for inspiring people to put their best foot forward and encouraging everyone to achieve their goals. Endowed with natural robustness, he eliminates our employee’s pain points efficiently and offers them convenient solutions.

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