
A Comprehensive Guide of WEB- VR (Virtual Reality)

  • By Amaneet Singh Brar

  • 9th May 2019

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After the successful launch of virtual reality, still, it was becoming a challenge for the web developers to use it in web applications. Now, the virtual reality designs have taken a practical shape, and we can expect web developers to make use of VR in applications such as eCommerce, retail, marketing and so on.

What is Virtual Reality?

Virtual Reality is a 3D computer technology used to simulate the user’s presence in an imaginary environment using a Virtual Reality headset. Virtual reality is a dynamic and immediate way to see and experience information. It creates a simulated 3D – the environment around the user to interact with people, objects, and other situations. Many devices are used to create such an environment like special gloves, earphones, and goggles. These devices send their output to the computer system. The user actions leave a noticeable impact on the content of the virtual environment.

Virtual Reality

Components of a Virtual Environment

– The VR techniques are used in mobile gaming and videos for quite a sometime now but let’s look at the ingredients used for web design and development.

– The visual displays have web development. These will prevent web applications to avoid sensory impressions from the real world.

– A rendering system for graphics is used to produce the ever-changing images at 25 to 35 frames per second to help in creating an excellent experience.

– A system tracker: It will record the position of web application users. It will note down the hand or cursor movements of users.

– Uses in the database construction and maintenance system to create a detailed realistic model of the virtual world to show the demographic trends on the present data.

– A sound system to produce directional sounds and simulated sound fields creating development a system audible to ears which are a new addition to web development.

– Devices for users to specify their interaction with virtual objects such as tracked gloves with pushbuttons.
Number of web browsers to view VR applications

Virtual Reality Web Design

The web developers are working for a long to make VR application to benefit web development. The libraries are required to use them with the other web languages. JavaScript libraries are introduced to create VR applications a reality. Facebook is among the first few successful web applications. Google WebGL and Microsoft Hololens are few applications running successfully. Let’s track out the integration of Virtual reality apps and web.

VR Coalesces into Web Browsers

VR applications can run on various browsers.  Soon, we will see a browser-based VR application available to ordinary consumers. They have to click a button to enter into the immersive world of VR web design. No need for downloads. The WebVR API is now available in several browsers. Like Firefox Nightly, Chrome 56+ for Android, Samsung Internet Browser for Gear and also the experimental builds in Chromium for Windows.

Virtual Reality for Apps

The real web apps using VR have already launched in the market. Developers are creating web apps for businesses to give a virtual experience of product/Services to a customer. The primary use of VR apps will be on e-commerce websites, real-estate websites, tour & travels websites, etc.

VR is a Wide Spectrum

Virtual reality web design can benefit many online businesses. WebVR simulates real-life situations. It can give an aerial view of a building, particular area or product. Customers can view the 3D view of the image. On the other end, WebVR might be useful in healthcare applications, eCommerce applications, marketing, transportation and so on. The possibilities are endless. A survey shows that there will not be any field where virtual reality doesn’t seem fit.

Virtual Reality Web Design

VR could apps are making the web apps more comfortable, functional, and personal for the typical user. Virtual reality web design would bring more challenges to a developer’s work.

Content Creation with VR

As the vast content creation to expand the businesses. The VR applications will have their share in creating more sophisticated and relevant content. Some open source libraries are already in use with the help of APIs. Many popular platforms support the use of VR in content creation. Some of them are  A-Frame, PlayCanvas, Sketchfab, and Vizor, etc.

Big Market Investments for VR

Virtual Reality Venture Capital Alliance announced $10 billion worth of investment in VR and augmented reality projects. So, the development of VR web design technology is not going to hinder any soon. Indeed, the VR market is forecast to be worth around $162 billion market by 2020. And this is a thoughtful, long-term view of the potential of something techies and entrepreneur belief.

Challenges in Implementing VR Web Design

The big technologies which bring a paradigm shift in the regular development process are not adapted so soon as they require lots of modifications in the existing software practices. In the same accord, Virtual reality web design also has to face a couple of challenges to win its race; some of them are as follows:

Responsive Web Design

It’s not easy to develop a website that functions for both virtual reality headset wearers and typical web applications. Software developers are working for a long to integrate both of them. Many issues exist such as eye-tracking menus that work better for virtual reality web design but certainly not for desktop browsers. Most of the VR apps are quite big which is against the ethics of responsive designs especially they are to be run on mobile apps.


Page speed is a deciding factor for excellent user experience. Users can wait for a video to load occasionally. But for daily web browsing, it is nearly impossible. The integration of VR applications and to change the mindset of the frequent users is not easy.

Out of Reach Technology

According to the stats, less than one percent of computers in the world have the graphical capabilities to run VR applications. High-end optimized machines would overshoot the cost of hardware.

At present, if we see the VR technology in its present form, it seems complicated to implement VR in web development. In some high-end applications, we can use them, but again it’s a challenge to maintain the high cost in comparison to AI tools which are comparatively cheaper.


As we have already discussed, VR applications shoot up the cost to manifolds. More research will hopefully change the scenario in the future. There can be probably a virtual set up which will allow the access of VR imaging available for the regular consumers.

Health issues

VR application makes use of high ratings for which one has to wear 3D glasses. The VR naturally has side effects on the eye side. The VR manufacturers are aware of this fact, and they try to minimize the impact. However, every web user is not going to use them in such a healthier manner.

An average user is in front of his laptop or smartphone at least 5-6 hours a day. For such extended use, VR apps will not at all be suitable in its present form.

Progressive texture loading, web app manifests & other best practices on the client side can assure WebVR remains a no install. And even, no long download. More interactions with Web App Manifest, Service Worker, WebGL, Web Imaging, Gamepad, Workers are needed.

Performance-enhancing WebGL capabilities include multi-view instancing to reduce overhead, geometry tools, and compute shaders. In whole, more performing WebVR is desirable. The new execution model of browsers is a must to get benefited from WebVR optimizations.

Final Words

Despite so many challenges, VR has successfully made its entry into web applications in the form of visual images. At the same time, there is extensive use in gaming and mobile apps. VR is a powerful tool for various verticals such as healthcare, marketing, education, communication, and so many others.

So, it’s time to discover new VR apps. More than 1 million people are already using VR apps. However, the use of VR is still for research activities and some major applications. In the coming years, virtual reality will undoubtedly revolutionize the web world. It is known as the “Platform of Tomorrow.”

You can also gear your web design world today with a list of the best web design software by adopting new invented VR based templates. It’s a website designer who will bring this incredible technology to the masses. We can already view some 3D logos of the companies. Gradually, VR will considerably save your time as providing drag & drop features to design a website!

Written By
Amaneet Singh Brar
calendar 9th May 2019
Amaneet Singh Brar, the man responsible for taking Deftsoft to the pinnacle of success. Contributing to over 15 years of growth of Deftsoft, he has bought sustainable and quality-driven IT solutions that have a global impact. Admired for driving radical growth and building the IT infrastructure of a reputable enterprise, he is a trusted expert with a remarkable history of creating a name for the organization on the global landscape. He’s on the mission to develop innovative and bespoke IT solutions to accelerate business’ digital transformation.

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