
Celebrated a Successful Journey of 11 Years of the Establishment!

  • By Paramveer Pupneja

  • 24th August 2016

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Motivated to head forward on the path of 12th year with the new ideas, aspirations and our worthy business partners. Deftsoft completed its successful journey of 11 years with the kind support of our wonderful present or ex-employees and business associates from all around the globe. It’s been the proudest moment for all of us, who have spent their precious time of their valuable life for making this day appear.

To commemorate this great event of happiness, a huge celebration was planned to get a lap from work and enjoy the efforts of our brilliant team had made within the past years. Started with decorating the whole office premises with the blue and white balloons in order to reflect the symbol of the Deftsoft. The Day was decided as a theme day, where the entire staff was dressed up in the blue attire.


Waited eagerly for the clock to go 5 in the evening, all the staff including the management was requested to gather for the celebration. It was very wondering to see the blue beauties of Deftsoft together happily and applauding at full volume. After joining the hands together, our honorable Managing Directors delivered a heartfelt speech in which he first congratulated all of us for the unbeaten journey of the 11 years. In their speech, they acknowledged that “We always had a long term vision for this, but this couldn’t be as possible as it is now without the amazing hard work delivered by you guys. So, while an incredible amount of success has been made, these long years, but now is the time for recommitment to the building of a culture of absolute respect for life.”

With this most inspiring speech, all of us boosted up to make this endeavor grow with huge success in the months and years to come. The cake cutting ceremony was followed by the speech wherein, our respectable managing director cut the cake.


The party hadn’t stopped here yet! Here, everybody shared their valuable moments of their journey at Deftsoft, some of them were quite overwhelming, where others were full of entertainment. Following through, a picture of Deftsoft family got clicked to mark a memorable day to each and everyone’s life.

With this, the celebration had come to an end included many funny and heart healing moments. As a way to the other day, we all moved forward, holding many dreams and ambitions but with more encouragement and passion.


Written By
Paramveer Pupneja
calendar 24th August 2016
Paramveer Pupneja, the pillar of the HR department at Deftsoft, has an innate personality for managing people. He is known for inspiring people to put their best foot forward and encouraging everyone to achieve their goals. Endowed with natural robustness, he eliminates our employee’s pain points efficiently and offers them convenient solutions.

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