
Come Let’s Commemorate The Festival Of Eid With Pomp And Show!

  • By Paramveer Pupneja

  • 7th July 2016

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Eid-ul-Fitr is one of the most popular festivals, celebrated by the Muslims all over the world with much happiness and joy. This festival is celebrated to mark the end of Ramadan, which is the holy month of fasting.
Celebrations of Eid start with the moon sighting. People have special plans to celebrate Eid-ul-Fitr. Not only, it is the festival of Muslims, but in India people of all religion celebrate this festival with great ecstasy.
We, at DEFTSOFT celebrate this festival of happiness with great enthusiasm and love. We offer all the freedom to our Muslim employees to practice their religion. Moreover, we also organize a small get together to double the spirit of celebration among all the employees.
Eid basically represents personal jubilance; demonstrate the spirit of rejuvenation and salvation, and a victory of one’s self control. The first three days of this festival are celebrated with much zeal. Exotic dinners and parties are organized, gifts are exchanged and people dress adorably.
Well, to make this fiesta an everlasting memory, enjoy luscious lunch with your family and friends and recover from the Ramadan Whirlwind.
Come, let’s forget our past enmity and fights and double the joy of this beautiful festival at DEFTSOFT.
Let us all together promote the national integration and feeling of brotherhood.
Here, DEFTSOFT wishing a joyous EID MUBARAK to all its employees!

Written By
Paramveer Pupneja
calendar 7th July 2016
Paramveer Pupneja, the pillar of the HR department at Deftsoft, has an innate personality for managing people. He is known for inspiring people to put their best foot forward and encouraging everyone to achieve their goals. Endowed with natural robustness, he eliminates our employee’s pain points efficiently and offers them convenient solutions.

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